
Age 6 - 11

Learning to Learn: a path that provides children with the tools to understand the world around them, including natural, social, cultural and anthropological aspects.

In the Montessori primary school, children follow an educational path that is based on the principles of freedom, autonomy and respect for the individuality of each child.

During this path, children begin with concrete teaching materials and practical experiences to understand fundamental concepts.
As the years pass, they are gradually guided towards the abstraction of more complex concepts, while continuing to work in a practical and manipulative way.

The learning environment is structured to foster independence and collaboration among children, encouraging personal responsibility and the development of social skills.

The learning environment is structured to foster independence and collaboration among children, encouraging personal responsibility and the development of social skills.

In addition, great importance is given to the development of cognitive, linguistic, mathematical and social skills through practical and sensorial activities.

Time Schedule

Full time

Monday to Friday
Entry until 8:30 AM
Exit from 4 PM to 4:30 PM

Free preschool

From 7:30 AM

Extended time for a fee

From 4:30 PM alle 6:00 PM


via Bignanico 4 – 22100 COMO

tel. +39 031571235

Montessori Primary School

The teaching organization is based on the centrality of the single teacher, who is a point of reference for the students. The teacher works in concert with a team of colleagues who are specialists in the subjects of music, computer science, English, art and image, and physical education.

There is no mandatory homework.
The Montessori method fosters the spirit of the pleasure of learning: it is the children themselves who spontaneously, even away from school, continue to want to do what interests them.

There are no grades: the Montessori goal is to ensure that each child develops the ability to self-assess and develops personal strategies for improvement.

We are a school with little need for backpacks.
The materials that children need during the day to carry out educational activities are all provided by the school, from textbooks to stationery. need during the day to carry out educational activities are all provided by the school, from textbooks to stationery. The only object that children take home with them is the “booklet”, a notebook kept in a colored folder with which the family and the teacher can communicate daily.

“The development of language is part of the human personality itself. Words are the natural means of expressing thought, and consequently of establishing understanding between men. If once it was enough to know a single language, today it has become indispensable to teach several.”

Maria Montessori

Intercultural English

Students will have 9 hours of English per week, organized as follows:

3 hours of whole-class laboratory activities: These hours are dedicated to studying the English language.

6 hours dedicated to various linguistic and cultural activities: These hours are divided between English language study, the Cosmic Plan, and the Intercultural Project. Activities may be conducted alongside the class teacher, allowing children the opportunity to choose whether to work individually or in small groups.

During recess: For 1-2 hours per week, L2 teachers are present during recess. This provides an additional opportunity to practice English in a less formal setting, supporting students’ continuous and natural learning.”

Lunch Time

Children take on various roles during lunch, such as setting the table, serving food, cleaning and tidying up, preparing simple foods, managing waste, and helping classmates.

These tasks, assigned weekly, promote independence, responsibility, and collaboration.

The Environments

Our school is equipped with a library, two English laboratories, one of which has a library in the language, a music room with a piano and musical instruments, a computer laboratory, an art laboratory, a large equipped garden and a gym.

Silvia Molteni

Primary School Coordinator and Vice Principal

Silvia Molteni is a class leader and has coordination roles in the primary school, where she is also Vice Principal. An expert in the Montessori method, Silvia is a trainer both in the courses of didactic differentiation and in the university days dedicated to this method. Furthermore, she is a contact for the Cosmic Commission and for the teaching of the Catholic religion, always according to the Montessori approach.

Silvia is known for her ability to build positive relationships with colleagues and families, and to work collaboratively for the good of the school community. She is also a point of reference for new teachers, helping them to grow professionally and to face the challenges of the Montessori method. Thanks to her experience and expertise, she is often invited as a trainer in specific courses for Montessori teachers.

Her philosophy is reflected in the quote by Maria Montessori: “If you let yourself be identified with this new psychodidactics, but have not worked in relation to it to change your character, you will not be the teacher who works to reform Humanity.


Il programma scolastico è lo stesso della scuola tradizionale?

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